Le Jour m’est Nuict

Masters of the Burgundian chanson

“Day is night to me” – with a captivating contradiction, this quote from fifteenth-century author Martin Le Franc expresses despair, one of the main affects of courtly love, which remains a central theme of secular music of this time. As a chronicler of Savoy Court and as well as a diplomat, Le Franc also witnessed decisive political gatherings and met prominent artists.

Among these were musicians working for the powerful Burgundian court, whose musical style Le Franc noted had roots in English music and became influential in the rest of the continent as well.

Maistre Du Fay et Binchois
Martin Le Franc, Champion des dames (Arras 1451), Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fonds français 12476, f. 98

Of the numerous acquaintances of Le Franc, Guillaume Du Fay represents the best-known example of this phenomenon of ‘rayonnement’. His rich and varied career took him from Burgundy all over Italy, and more than 100 manuscripts containing his works testify to his renown.

Our program explores the rich legacy of both known and unknown masters, whose fascinating style became coined today as “Burgundian”.

Four musicians:
1 singer, harp, organetto, vielle, hurdy-gurdy, and recorders
Duration: c. 75 minutes